My Flabbers Are Gasted | Funny Millennial Quote Poster

from $18.00
I can't be the only one who says "I'm flabbergasted" or "I've been flabbergasted." So if you're flabbers are also gasted on the daily, please let me know, and also please grab one of these posters. Oh, but make sure you pick the right size option. There are two available.
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I can't be the only one who says "I'm flabbergasted" or "I've been flabbergasted." So if you're flabbers are also gasted on the daily, please let me know, and also please grab one of these posters. Oh, but make sure you pick the right size option. There are two available.
I can't be the only one who says "I'm flabbergasted" or "I've been flabbergasted." So if you're flabbers are also gasted on the daily, please let me know, and also please grab one of these posters. Oh, but make sure you pick the right size option. There are two available.